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yitnp presents
yitnp presents
Sabbel # 14
Sabbel # 14
international punk&hc fanzine
72 pages, A4
For years I’ve read raving reviews about various issues of Sabbel but I never got my hands on one. Now, with number 14, I finally got one myself thanks to Leadershit (great band!) from Spain who had it in their distro when I saw them in Flensburg and Hamburg. And what can I say? I am amazed!

First thing I realized was the cool artwork. It is totally modern and easy to read but it has got a certain old school and cut-n-paste charm. Very nice. However the contents are even way better than the design. This issue has kind of a focus on Chile which is great because I plan to go there this fall. There is one story about Santiago de Chile in general and one about the hc/punk scene there, an interview with Chilean band La Miseria De Tu Rostro and one with a political activist, a story about a demo in Santiago and one about an anarcho punk meeting in Valparaiso. I can’t wait to get there!

Then there is tons of other interesting stuff like an article on early punk in South America, one about Argentinean record labels, a travel log on Paraguay and a short article about a reclaim the streets in Madrid. There is also more interviews with Bümbkläätt from Mexico, My Precious from Singapore, Reconcile from Argentina and La Armada Roja from the Dominican Republic. Of course there is the standards like reviews and stories about attended shows but they are so unimportant compared to all the personal columns about alcoholism in punk, hate for a society that only wants you to function and tells you you’re sick if you don’t and so much more. I really found myself in some of them.

Finally the zine is accompanied by a cd with 36 bands with 36 songs from almost everywhere. There are bands from Israel, South Korea, the Philippines and Brazil as well as from obscure places like Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Cuba, Iran or Reunion. Some recordings are quite new and some are historic documents. There are a lot of treasures to be found. I really love the song by Devil Shoots Devil from Belarus. This zine is totally fucking awesome! Self-ruled worldwide!  [jan]

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